71 Marua Rd, Ellerslie, Auckland
Energetic Workshops
Muscle Testing Workshops




 Many of us now have an intellectual understanding that 'everything is energy'. However, this understanding doesn't always translate into the way we live our lives.  This workshop is designed to empower you with practical skills in muscle testing yourself and others so that you can apply this energetic information in your day-to-day life.

So, what is muscle testing? Muscle testing can be a useful tool to connect with your energetic body and your subconscious mind, including cellular memory.
For example, you may test a muscle which is very strong, but when you hold a certain type of food or even think about it, the same muscle feels much weaker! This isn't to do with the strength of your muscle as such, but the flow of energy through the associated meridian.  We can use muscle testing in this way, not only for foods but for a wide range of substances, environmental, emotional and energetic factors in order to determine what may be placing stress on your mind/body and thus disrupting the energetic balance.

We can also use muscle testing to indicate the substances, exercises, lifestyle changes etc. that are most likely to improve the flow of energy and allow for healing and positive change in your life.

It is important to note that I do not use muscle testing to diagnose, prescribe or treat medical conditions, and consider all healing to ultimately be self-healing.

During this workshop you will learn a few different ways of muscle testing yourself and others.  This will include important energetic pre-checks to greatly improve your accuracy.  Once the basics are mastered, this is not a complicated skill... as with many things it's about practicing in a supportive environment with a variety of people to build your confidence.
Not only is muscle testing a practical skill, it also provides a visceral experience of the flow of energy and how it affects the physical body.

Contact me
to enquire about upcoming muscle testing workshops or get your own group of 5-10 people together who would like to learn.

Disclaimer: This workshop will not certify you to use muscle testing, kinesiology or energy work professionally, and the insights gained from the use of muscle testing should not replace medical or professional advice. I accept no liability for the way in which you choose to use the material learned.

Spoon Bending

What is energetic spoon bending?

Energetic spoon bending involves softening the structure of the spoon (or fork, etc.) using energy and intention such that you can bend it using minimal force.


Why practice spoon bending?

·        Remind yourself of your magical, alchemical nature! (and explore the broader context of what it means to influence matter). If you can bend a spoon, what else can you do?


·        Practice different methods of working with energy and see what works for you! 


Check the events tab for upcoming events or register your interest in future spoon bending events here. 


Interested in spoon bending for your event or party, or want to make a group booking? Let’s talk. Contact me at kirstymarie_energy@protonmail.com or 0273491133



Image shows bent spoons.