Hi, I'm Kirsty. Mother, Energy Worker, Spiritual Seeker.
My mission, through the vehicle of kinesiology, is to empower you to connect with the divine truth of who you really are. Muscle testing is a powerful means of enhancing your intuition, allowing you to easily tap into your innate wisdom to facilitate healing and transformation.
I have special interests in nature connection and awakened parenting as well as serving those who identify as neurodivergent or highly sensitive. In addition to private sessions, I offer energetic workshops and ceremonial gatherings.
First and foremost, I am a mother and home educator to my two young sons – beautiful and wild beings of light that they are! Prior to having my first son, I worked as an ecologist but had already developed a strong interest in the area of holistic health due to my own struggles. Learn more about my holistic health journey here.
Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.