71 Marua Rd, Ellerslie, Auckland
Kinesiology and Kids

When it comes to children, muscle testing can be an incredibly useful way to prioritise the ways in which you assist them, particularly if they aren't able to communicate clearly what is going on with them (actually, many of us are still not too great at this as adults!).  

 For example, you may have a child who experiences volatile mood swings and you have multiple theories about what might be going on, but you're not sure how best to invest your time, energy and money.  

Perhaps the child is experiencing sensory processing difficulties that could be aided by the use of tools such as swings, weighted blankets, or different clothing.
Maybe they are very emotionally sensitive and picking up on other people's emotions as if they are their own.
It could be that they are negatively impacted by too much screen time, certain foods, or environmental factors like mold. 

In some cases, primitive and postural reflexes may be inhibited or incompletely integrated, affecting the stress response.
 Perhaps some simple exercises to encourage brain balance would help, or work to balance the chakras. 

As you can see, there are a multitude of possibilities, and although muscle testing is by no means a diagnosis, it does provide a really useful starting point in terms of choosing the approaches that may be most beneficial.

During a kinesiology session we can identify lifestyle changes that may be beneficial as well as working to balance the body's energetic systems including the impact of subconscious belief systems.

I am also in the process of integrating the teachings of LEAP kinesiology into my practice. This system is renowned for the benefits to children and adults who experience learning challenges, brain fog or emotional imbalance.  

See more about neurodiversity services here and read more about neurodivergent kids and families in this article.