71 Marua Rd, Ellerslie, Auckland
What is Neurolinguistic Kinesiology?

There are many branches of kinesiology, but what unites them and sets them apart from other holistic modalities is the use of muscle testing.
Muscle testing can be a powerful tool facilitating connection with your energetic body and your subconscious mind including cellular memory.


For example, you may test a muscle which feels very strong, but when you hold a certain type of food or even think about it, the same muscle feels much weaker.  Whether the muscle 'locks' or 'unlocks' isn't to do with the strength of your muscle as such, but the flow of energy through the associated meridian and provides us with an amazing biofeedback tool.


 We can use muscle testing in this way, not only for foods but for a wide range of substances, emotions, energetic and environmental factors in order to identify current stressors or disruptions to your energetic balance.    


Importantly, we can then use muscle testing to indicate the lifestyle changes and energetic techniques that are most likely to improve the flow of energy, allowing for positive change in your body and your life. 


It is important to note that I do not diagnose, prescribe, or treat medical conditions, and consider all healing to ultimately be self-healing.  Kinesiology using muscle testing simply provides a way of tapping into your innate wisdom and improving energy flow to facilitate your own healing and transformation.


Neurolinguistic kinesiology is truly holistic, incorporating knowledge and techniques from a range of traditions including Chinese 5 elements theory and Neurolinguistic Programming. 

 Suggested energy balancing techniques are wide ranging as they are tailored specifically for you and may include some of the following: Working with acupressure points, meridians and chakras, doing specific exercises to promote brain balance, utilising colour, sound or other vibrational remedies, or making lifestyle and dietary changes.


Working with thought patterns, beliefs and emotional charge or trauma is a key component of most kinesiology sessions.   Notably, using specific kinesiology techniques it is possible to access the parts of the brain and body that are holding trauma related patterns and programming at the deep subconscious level. Once these 'stress loops' see the light of the day it becomes so much easier to shift into new ways of being!!

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